we@concept1.org | support@concept1.org | +255766249920
- Climate and Weather
We help community, business, and government partners translate climate science and global climate policy into locally viable and sustainable solutions. Climate Change presents a complex problem, but one that we know how to solve, we need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases while supporting vulnerable communities to adapt to a changing climate. There is no single solution, no silver bullet, but a need to innovate and scale, bringing together experts from multiple disciplines to develop appropriate responses.
We need to continue to adapt as we move forward, adopting new technologies and fresh approaches to continue to make progress at speed. C1F is uniquely well placed for this challenge. Working with expertise and networks that span across development, we can bring together the best minds to deliver appropriate solutions at local, national, and international scale.

We work with governments, communities, and the private sector to develop programs and strategies that will improve resilience to climate impacts and provide low-carbon pathways to inclusive economic development. In doing so, we ensure that essential natural resources freshwater, forests, soil are managed to protect biodiversity while sustaining the livelihoods that depend on them. Our teams support the delivery of a range of interventions, including:
- Developing mitigation and adaptation plans of action Undertaking assessments to improve the management of forests, water, and coastal resources.
- Working with companies and financial institutions to mitigate climate risks in investments and supply chains.
- Delivering innovative financial mechanisms that allow the flow of international climate finance to smallholders and SMEs
- Supporting the development of fiscal policies that help governments fund the transition to low-carbon economies
- Embedding climate resilience strategies within critical sectors, including agriculture, health, infrastructure, and governance.
- Supporting access to clean and renewable energy and improving energy efficiency.

Improved management of natural resources and important ecosystem services not only supports economic growth and strengthens resilience to climate change but also can provide the foundation for sustainable development.
We help community, business, and government partners translate climate science and global climate policy into locally viable and sustainable solutions.
Improving learning outcomes for all by strengthening education systems, forging cross-sectoral linkages, and engaging stakeholders.
ICT and Entreprenuership
C1F Concept Digital builds on C1F years of experience to design and deploy innovative, user-centered digital tools that drive change across emerging markets.